Lever De Soleil Rue Foch Montpellier Depuis Arc De Triomphe Chruiz 3mLever De Soleil Rue Foch Montpellier Depuis Arc De Triomphe Chruiz 3m
©Lever De Soleil Rue Foch Montpellier Depuis Arc De Triomphe|CH Ruiz /3M
Access and transportation

Access and transportation

To facilitate your access to downtown Montpellier, use the park and ride lots just outside the city. Get around Montpellier and surrounding area by tramway, bus, bicycle, two-wheeled vehicles, foot, tourist train, rental car and taxi.

Getting to Montpellier

Located 11 km from the Mediterranean, roughly 3½ hours by car or 3 hours by high-speed train from Barcelona, 4 hours by car from Italy, 3½ hours by high-speed train or 70 minutes by plane from Paris, in the heart of the Occitan region and close to Provence,  Montpellier is the seventh largest city in France and has something for everyone.