Covered market for gourmets The Halles Laissac

The Halles Laissac – covered market for gourmets

Big change on the Boulevard du Jeu de Paume: the Halles Laissac, flanked by the Babote tower in an obsolete building, has been replaced by a Baltard-style building.

The Halles quickly became a new place to be of the city centre and a place of life.

Getting there

Market and place of life

It’s late Thursday afternoon, so watch out, because this is the place to be!

Many people in Montpellier want to take advantage of the terraces and new spaces around the Halles Laissac to sip a drink with friends and nibble on food bought on the spot.

A friendly place where people meet and meet friends and neighbours. Inaugurated in 2018, these halls with 24 stallholders are victims of their own success.

Reconstructed in the Baltard style, the Halles Laissac include food shops that favour local products and quality. The central mole with a restaurant area allows you to cook the meat you buy at the halls and taste it on the spot!

It is beautiful and convivial: the butcher cuts the flap with the fishmonger, the baker talks macaroon with the pastry chef and you are in the middle of a discussion with the florist: “And you can even make your own meal, there, in the middle! One thing is certain, your kitchen is the most inspired with these new halls.

A place of life like no other, just a few hundred metres from the Place de la Comédie, in addition to the city’s three covered market halls.

Did you know ?

Watch out, it is in the heart of a real piece of art that we are now coming to do our shopping. Look up and you will understand. Under this multicoloured and micro-perforated canvas that covers the dome, you would think you were in a melon.

Bravo to the artist, Mona Young-Eun KIM, a student at the Beaux Arts de Montpellier, has succeeded in her wager.

The melon echoes the heat, the sun and the markets of the South of France. So many notions that place us in the heart of the Mediterranean.

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