Visit of the anatomy Conservatory Medicine will surprise you

Medicine will surprise you

You are interested by the History of Medicine?

With the Tourist Office, let’sgo for a guided tour of the Faculty of Medicine

Good to know: The Conservatory of Anatomy is currently closed for renovation, but a selection from the collections will be offered to you in the Delma-Orfila-Rouvière room.

What’s up Doc ?

If your spleen is dilated, your liver isn’t straight or your stomach is drawing in (lyrics of a famous French song) , the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier is the ideal place to consult. And to enjoy a really unusual time.

Not lazy, it has never stopped working since its creation in the 12th century and teaches you again and again about the history of medicine.

It is the oldest in the western world still in operation! It contains the Conservatory of Anatomy, an astonishing place presenting 5000 anatomical pieces and waxes.

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