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Tips and advices 48hrs with your family around Montpellier

48hrs with your family around Montpellier

You already read our page “24hrs with your family in Montpellier” and you think it would be nice to get away from the city to see what’s around!

Here are some suggestions to have a good time with your family around Montpellier – follow the guide !

Day 1 in the Metropolitan Area

After visiting our Tourist Office Place de la Comédie to get good tips and information, head to the metropolitan area which is full of possibilities for family activities, walks in the nature or gastronomic discoveries.

Several options for you:

You can take public transports and go to Loc’Karting in Pérols, with line 3 of the tramway, Ecopole stop. A 700m track and new generation go-karts await you for guaranteed thrills and entertainment! Don’t forget to call to book your session!

You can complete your day by renting bikes from Rêve de vélo or Saco Vélo, and discover the many cycle paths of the Metropolis!

Direction the sea by joining Pérols, then Carnon. Miles of beaches await you there, the water is a little bit cold in this season but it’s worth the tour ! Do not miss either Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone between sea and ponds, its cathedral and its pink flamingos!

We have fun near the Pic St Loup

For a personalized discovery, our partner Wisud offers you private tours at your own pace and wishes from Montpellier! A good opportunity to explore the famous Pic Saint Loup and its vineyards.

Wisud also offers many possibilities for excursions and activities (for a day or half a day, direction Saint-Guilhem Le Désert, the cirques de Mourèze and Navacelles…) – don’t hesitate to book your tour via the Tourist Office website.

Don’t forget to stop before at Domaine de l’Oulivie in the hinterland – During the holidays, discover its olive grove, its permaculture gardens, its small animals, its brand new oil mill as well as its shop! A good opportunity to taste local products while enjoying a rejuvenating and soothing natural atmosphere.

Another possibility: With our partner Belle Tourisme enjoy  half-day and full-day excursions with a small group to discover the towns and villages around Montpellier, Pic St Loup, the Camargue…! – don’t hesitate to book via the Tourist Office website.

Some ideas To organize your journey

And a bith further ?

Take a bit of fresh air in the parc ornithologique du Pont de Gau in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (ornithological park)  or the beautiful Bambouseraie in the Cévennes gardoises.

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