©Ville de Murviel les Montpellier


Located 20 kms west of Montpellier Murviel-lès-Montpellier is home to the remains of an important antique city, one of the biggest of the region. Archeological excavations have been conducted on this site since the 19th century. The Paul Soyris archeological museum exhibits some of the site discoveries: sculptures, amphorae and pottery.

A bit of History

Occupied until the third century AD, the ancient city was composed of a high town and a low town including a vast forum as well as an imposing building similar to a Corinthian temple.

The 20 hectare oppidum was surrounded by two kilometres of fortification.

Abandonned in the third century, the site of Murviel was to come back to life again in the 11th century.
The inhabitants used the remains of the ancient city to build the village houses.

In the 13th century, the village became the property of the Maguelone Bishops who built a residence, today called  the ‘Bishops’ Castle’ (le Château des Évêques).

To discover along the marked paths: the oppidum, the Roman church (12th century) the Bishops’ castle, the surrounding vineyards.

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