

Located 15 km south west of Montpellier at the foot of the Gardiole massif, Fabrègues is a village built in a circle, known as ‘circulade’. A typical formation of some Languedoc villages which dates from the 11th or 12th centuries.


In the 11th century, the village name was ‘Fabregas’. In the Oc language, ‘fabregar’ means ‘to forge ‘.

Four different parishes co-exhisted : Saint-Jacques-de-Fabrégas, Saint-André-de-Launac, Saint-Michel-de-Mujolan and Saint-Marin-de-Colombe. A castle and some ramparts provided protection.

Natural beauty

To the south of Fabrègues, the Gardiole massif and its 4200 hectares of garrigue spreads for 15 kms between the plains and salt water lakes.
With an altitude of 185 metres, this limestone mountain is covered with green oaks, pine trees, cyprus trees and white cistus whose pink flowers appear from April to June.

A mediterranean vegetation that can be enjoyed by foot on the path that leads to the Saint-Baudile hermitage.

At the top there is a superb 360° view from the Pic St loup to the Mediterranean  sea to enjoy.

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