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The cities Montpellier Méditerranée Metropolis

The cities of Montpellier Méditerranée Metropolis

The 31 communes of the Montpellier metropolitan area are full of unsuspected treasures: mazes of streets, talented craftsmen, historic buildings, majestic landscapes... Stroll through the streets of these towns and villages, where happiness is to be found in every corner.

The paved floor of the old village of Cournonsec, the arches of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste church in Murviel-lès-Montpellier, the rue du Vieux-Prades, which opens onto a door of the old medieval wall in Prades-le-Lez, or the surroundings of the Notre-Dame-de-la-Pitié chapel in Beaulieu are just a few of the treasures to be found in the circulades of these villages.

On street corners, many small craftsmen perpetuate traditions: shoemakers, bakers, stone cutters, butchers, chocolate makers, jewellery makers, carpenters, fishmongers or florists give these villages their soul.

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